03/23/2016  | Waghäusel-Wiesental 24.03.-28.03.2016

From the first tournament day, David Will had a successful start with his youngsters.
In a class A competition for young horses, David placed 5th with his horse Goodwill.
In a class L, he came second with Lucky charm and was able to place 7th with Alia HaB.
He also won the M** class with his mare Alia HaB.

We congratulate him on the great results.

03/20/2016  | Mannheim-Neckerau 17.03.-20.03.2016

Major success for David Will in Mannheim-Neckrau

In Sunday's Grand Prix, David and Cassandro celebrated 4th place in a class S** competition.

Annabel Joost was also able to place successfully with her horse Stakkato Rouge in the same competition.

We are delighted with the success.

03/13/2016  | Hallenfestival Groß-Zimmern 10.03.-13.03.2016

Foto: Annabel Joost mit Letkiss

On the last day, David Will came second place, together with Cosimax, in a M** class, as well as securing 6th place with Sweet Cherie.

David Will placed third with his gelding Casco in a S* class. Annabel Joost and her horse Letkiss were delighted with their 5th place.


Congratulations on the well deserved placements.