07/24/2016  | Groß Viegeln CSI3* DKB-Pferdewochen 21.07.-24.07.2016

Photo: David Will and Casco

David Will and his horses celebrated great results at the weekend in Groß Viegeln.

In the Youngster Tour (class S* 2 phase jumping competition) he came 2nd with his horse Casco.

In the CSI3* he was successful with Cassando.

In the medium tour he and Cassando achieved 6th and 14th place in an S* jumping class.

In the big Tour, he took 11th place with Calista in the S*** jumping class.

We are so pleased with the fantastic results!

07/24/2016  | Schwanheim 23.07.-24.07.2016

Photo: Antonia Kircher with Esmeralda Del Leccione

Our youngster talent Antonia Kircher was successfully in good form in the Schwanheim show with her mare Esmeralda del Leccione.

She won the class A style jumping class.

In the class A jumping class she came in 4th place with faults and and time penalties.

Antonia also entered her first L-jumping class in Schwanheim, where she brought home an incredibly proficient round with only one fault.

We sincerely congratulate her on her great success!

07/18/2016  | Chiemsee Pferdefestival 2016

This year the “Chiemsee Pferdefestival" takes place on the following dates:

CSI**/CSIYH1*/CSIU25/CSI Am from 01. to 04.09.2016
CSI**/CSIYH1*/CSI Am & Dressage from 06. to 11.09.2016

Please find here the schedule

01. to 04.09.2016
06. to 11.09.2016


We would be happy to welcome you at Chiemsee Pferdefestival 2016